作者:岱羅·安卡 Darryl Anka
Shards of a Shattered Mirror Book I: Cryptic by Darryl Anka
補充:《破碎之鏡 第一集:隱密者》是我暫譯的書名,中文版書名需等待一中心出版。
Seven hundred years in the future, the ice caps have melted, sea levels have risen and several coastal cities have become seaports. Humans, aliens and Hybrids have formed an interstellar Alliance that spans dozens of worlds.
Due to the spread of humanity outward to the stars and the reduction of Earth's population, the planet has been restored to a more natural state.
Over time, human-alien Hybrids evolved and discovered that their telepathic senses could not only allow them to interact with nature spirits and other Ele-mental beings that were invisible to humans in the past, but that their abilities could also be expanded through the use of a powerful potion that opened their minds to parallel realities and higher dimensions. With this knowledge, they developed the Five Levels of Mastery that gave their kind the ability to manop-ulate the very fabric of spacetime.
It is into this world that Willa Hillicrissing was born. A thirteen-year-old human-alien Hybrid with golden eyes and wild mane of fox-fur hair, Willa was raised amid the green forests and peaceful seaside setting of Port Dublin in Ireland where, as an apprentice to her Hybrid mentor, Holly Cotton, she takes her first steps on the path to becoming a Cryptic.
But when Holly discovers that Willa possesses an ancient gene capable of mag-nifying her powers far beyond the abilities of even the most experienced Sage, she’s called upon to protect the Earth and the Alliance from a ruthless alien Empire bent on enslaving every world in its path.
岱羅·安卡在 Zia Films LLC (www.ziafilms.com) 擔任編劇兼導演、製片人,該電影製作公司由他與合夥人以及他的妻子艾莉卡·喬丹共同經營。
同時他也是國際知名的形而上學與飛碟的公開演講者。他已經在美國和日本出版了二十多本書,他的傳訊錄音已經販賣給全球數千人,由他在Bashar Communications, Inc. (www.bashar.org) 的合夥人愛波·羅謝爾操辦。
你可以在岱羅的官方網站上了解更多關於他的訊息 www.darrylanka.com
(amazon.com) 跟 (virtualbookworm.com) 的作者介紹差不多。
安卡與其他著名的靈媒(例如李·卡羅)曾一起出現在2008年的紀錄片Tuning In中。
他的第一本書“超物理學”中包括與瑪戈·錢德勒博士的問答集,此書由Rosemarie Hopf-Weichel博士編輯。
DARRYL ANKA is a writer-director-producer at Zia Films LLC (www.ziafilms.com), a film production company he owns with his producing partner and wife, Erica Jordan. He has an extensive background in miniature effects, storyboards and set design and has worked on some of the biggest sci-fi and action films over the past thirty years, such as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Iron Man and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.
He is also an internationally known public speaker on UFOs and metaphysical topics. Over twenty books of his seminars have been published in the United States and Japan and recordings of his talks have been sold to thousands of people around the globe by April Rochelle, his partner at Bashar Communications, Inc. (www.bashar.org)
Darryl is always working on new films, scripts and novels. He lives in Woodland Hills, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.
You can learn more about Darryl at his official website, www.darrylanka.com
About the Author
Darryl Anka is a writer-director-producer at Zia Films LLC (www.ziafilms.com), a film production company he owns with his producing partner and wife, Erica Jordan. He has an extensive background in miniature effects, storyboards and set design and has worked on some of the biggest sci-fi and action films over the past thirty years, such as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Iron Man and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. He is also an internationally known public speaker on UFOs and metaphysical topics. Over twenty books of his seminars have been published in the United States and Japan and recordings of his talks have been sold to thousands of people around the globe by April Rochelle, his partner at Bashar Communications, Inc. (www.bashar.org) Darryl is always working on new films, scripts and novels. He lives in Woodland Hills, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.
Darryl Anka is an internationally known channeller, speaker and author with sales of over 300,000 books in Japan.
Anka claims that he began to communicate, through trance-channeling, with an extra-terrestrial entity called Bashar in 1983. He describes Bashar as existing in a parallel reality, in a time frame that we perceive as the future. The monologues and dialogues with Bashar cover a wide range of topics including human psychology, planetary evolution, metaphysics, and extra-terrestrials. Occasionally, Anka will act as a guest speaker in conferences related to issues such as ET contact. Anka has also channeled other entities, and the entity Bashar has also been channeled by other mediums.
Anka appeared in the 2008 documentary Tuning In alongside other notable channels such as Lee Carroll.
Anka's channeling sessions, private and public, are usually recorded and many have been compiled into various books and audio-visual material. His first book, The New Metaphysics, includes Q&A sessions with Margot Chandler, Ph.D., and was edited by Rosemarie Hopf-Weichel, Ph.D.